Each year, one in four adults are affected by a diagnosable mental disorder. These people are your co-workers, your neighbors and your family members. When you give to Mind Springs Foundation, you are investing in your community’s mental health. Every penny you give goes towards expanding mental health care assistance and strengthening our local communities.
Now, more than ever, is a critical time to invest in mental health. Support your community when they may need you the most. So many people are feeling uncertain and helpless during this unprecedented time. Others may be asking, “What can I do to help?” This is our opportunity to be pro-active, take action, and help Save Lives.
Do you have a story that you’d like to share on why supporting mental health is important to you? We’d love to hear it. One of the ways to fight the mental health stigma is to talk openly about mental health and help others understand they are not alone in their struggle.
Email Laura at lbrown@mindspringsfoundation.org to continue the conversation.