The Power of Peer Support

Peer support is changing the landscape of mental health care.  In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the power of peer support is becoming increasingly recognized as a valuable tool in promoting mental health and overall well-being.  Peers validate feelings and experiences, share strategies, motivate, and provide emotional support. Who better to support an individual along their…

New Year 2024!

Wishing you a positive and motivational new year full of peace and self-compassion.  The Mind Springs Foundation has numerous goals that support our mission to change lives and transform our community in 2024. We value your contributions to Mind Springs Health and West Springs Hospital. Please join us and help spread the word that mental…

A Heartfelt Thank You

As the end of the year draws near, we’d like to take this opportunity to extend a heartfelt thank you.    Thank you for following along with our organization’s mission and growth this past year.  Every time we provide care for someone, our inspiration to change lives and transform our community is renewed. We are…