MSIM: Mind Springs Health CEO John Sheehan Joins the Mesa County Public Health Board

John Sheehan joins the board as one of two additional members appointed to the now seven-member Mesa County Board of Public Health. Mesa County announced the appointments at their July 24 meeting. According to the announcement, the Board of Health’s responsibilities include assuring appropriate policy for Mesa County Public Health, hiring and supervising the Mesa…


The Power of Hope

Hope changes lives.  Hope is much more than mere wishful thinking—it is the foundation of moving forward, a reminder of your own resiliency and the ability to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  For Dawn, hope became her entire world. Dawn started drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana when she was 12 years…


Finding The Light

It can be concluded that without darkness, there is no true appreciation for the light.  This past weekend, Daylight Savings Time occurred.  This meant an extra hour of sleep.  But it also meant the beginning of shorter days, where darkness appears earlier in the evening.  For many, it’s the official physical sign that the seasons…
